Thursday, April 17, 2008

Journal #10

Disabled Bodies, Able Minds: Giving Voice, Movement, and Independence to the Physically Challenged
By Diane Curtis

This was a very heartwarming story. Who wouldn’t want to see these students succeed? They should be given every opportunity and chance to have what everybody else has, just like all students should. Thanks to the district wide programs like TACLE, and DO-IT, students today are being given many opportunities to use their minds since their bodies have unfortunately been disabled. Technology has made it possible for students to able to communicate in many ways, such as using their eyebrows and their cheeks. This may sound unreal, but do to computers that can sense certain movement, many students are now finding a new way to communicate. There are also many tools that are being made so that students can participate in different activities. Through technology, tools are being created that can assist students who wouldn’t otherwise have the capabilities to play music, or other physical activities. DO-IT’s Burgstahler feels that every student should be included when it comes to receiving the best education possible, and has no tolerance for schools that do not want to invest in tools for disabled students. How does Burgstahler feel about these students? “They can have the American dream,” she says.


#1 - Should schools have limits in investing in tools for disabled students?

Although limits need to be set everywhere, I believe that there are certain areas that should be exempt from being cut. Just like Arnold keeps cutting education in order to balance the budge. Education should be one area that should be exempt from cuts. I would also put tools for disabled students in this bracket. They aren’t asking for more, they are just asking for tools that will give them the advantages that the rest of us already have.

#2 – How do these tools help the students feel more independent?

Having these tools gives the student’s opportunities that they could in no way have without them. So many students can now take part in a number of physical activities, and can now communicate with friends and families. These tools also give the student’s a new level of confidence that will help them envision a brighter future for themselves.

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