Thursday, April 17, 2008

Journal #6 - iMovie & Inspiration Reviews


When I found out that we were gonna make a movie, I thought, “no way.” But it was actually kind of fun. I mean, all the steps were pretty easy to do. It was just putting them together that was a little difficult, for me at least. The most exciting thing about this was seeing the finished project. I was so excited. I was like “wow, I made this? Cool.” And then of course I showed everyone I knew, and they were all excited for me, at least they said they were. This could definitely be used in the classroom for numerous projects. The kids could make instructional videos, or use it to make movies about an array of topics such as history or social studies. They could also make movies about different genres that could be used for English, and they could even make autobiographies about their own lives. There’s just so much they could do, and the whole time, they would also be learning about technology. It could definitely follow under interdisciplinary education.


I thought this was really cool. But if you wanted it just right, it was also a little time consuming. But I did enjoy it. I did follow all the tutorials, and I don’t think I could have really got creative without them. I wanted to do a little more than the basics, and tried to use as many of the tools as I could. Students of all ages would have no problem using this program, or at least the basics. It would be up to them, depending on how creative they would want to be. I tried to use from a teacher's perspective rather than I student's, cause I wanted to see if I could easily put an assignment together, and I think I did pretty good. Students could use it as an outline to write a great paper. I think the diagrams would be more helpful than a written outline because they would really be able to visualize their main points. They could also use it to tell stories about books that they’ve read and even about things that have happened in their own lives. And just like with iMovie, I think they would be able to put together a great autobiography.

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